Wednesday, September 11, 2019

Bee Garden and Goldenrod

I went to my bee garden with the intention of gathering some goldenrod and peppermint in order to make a autumn tonic.  One steeps the goldenrod flowers with the peppermint for ten minutes(in water brought to a boil).  I captured a moment in the lives of several insects.

These tiny creatures are famished as most gardeners in town do not let a patch of lawn go wild.  The insects and I share a liking for goldenrod nectar.  It is good for the kidneys and can help ease discomfort from arthritis.

Sunday, September 8, 2019

Late Summer Flowers and Berries


japanese knotweed


unknown purple flower


black eyed susan

These interesting wild flowers and berries were found along the Keuka Outlet Trail.

Walking in the Forest Summer 2019

This summer I only went walking through the forest of the Finger Lakes two times.  The first was Filmore Glen State Park.  I found many mushrooms and photographed them.  I also noticed ferns and snapped some shots of them as well.

this one above is interesting as the fungi are growing in two directions as the tree fell and what was vertical became horizontal

orange peel fungus

I feel a very powerful inner calm when i see these pictures of plant life in the woods and I hope others do too.  The second hike was in a private glen along Keuka Lake.