Sunday, January 30, 2022

The Donkey's Tail Tale

I love my houseplants. This one, The Donkey's Tail came from a cutting from my mother's plant. She had a bigger one and would grab the tails and lift them up over the plant, and exclaim, this is how they multiply! I am not criticizing her method of propagation, but I am a little more gentler with my plant. She must have given me some that she had potted but I don't recall the incident of receiving the babies, I just know my plant came from hers. I have given a potting of babies to my grand-daughter so the tradition goes on. One plant of donkey's tail down through four generations. I have two ways of propagating them, one is by rooting the stems and the other is by letting the succulent leaves take root. I use a clam shell from the grocery store. That is a plastic see through container with a lid. Store bought potting soil is my choice of potting medium.

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