Showing posts with label motherwort. Show all posts
Showing posts with label motherwort. Show all posts

Thursday, October 11, 2018

Autumn Herbs

I have another blog called Amiable Blogservations which I am in the process of deleting.  I have written that blog for eight and a half years.  The question is, "should I delete it?"  It is peppered with socially incriminating discourse in it from the times that I have suffered from mania.  It has followers from all over the world, yet hardly any commentors.

I love herbs.  Here are a few growing in my garden this evening.

Lemon balm, which I make infusions of.  It is good for your nerves.  It is a balm and that is probably why it is called that!

Catnip, which my cat loves!

A motherwort transplant which is doing quite well.  This plant is also a good one to soothe the nerves.

Basil.  I want to make a batch of pesto before we get a frost!