Saturday, October 20, 2018

Harvesting Catnip Before the Frost

Frost warnings are out tonight so I picked my catnip mint.  I put it in the closet on coat hangers, in bundles upside down.  I intend to make catnip toys and give them as gifts.
There seems to be a controversy on the internet if catnip is safe for humans.  Some sources say it is some say it will cause illness or at least quarrelsomeness.  I enjoy the fragrance.  It reminds me of pot or skunk odor.

I went out in the night with my flashlight and scissors
There were mice squeaking in the bushes
The lawn was wet
The sky was dark

Thursday, October 11, 2018

Autumn Herbs

I have another blog called Amiable Blogservations which I am in the process of deleting.  I have written that blog for eight and a half years.  The question is, "should I delete it?"  It is peppered with socially incriminating discourse in it from the times that I have suffered from mania.  It has followers from all over the world, yet hardly any commentors.

I love herbs.  Here are a few growing in my garden this evening.

Lemon balm, which I make infusions of.  It is good for your nerves.  It is a balm and that is probably why it is called that!

Catnip, which my cat loves!

A motherwort transplant which is doing quite well.  This plant is also a good one to soothe the nerves.

Basil.  I want to make a batch of pesto before we get a frost!

Sunday, November 16, 2014

Snowcapped Goldenrod at Twilight

I appreciate the simple things in  life.  Snow capped Goldenrod blowing in the wind.  I like the way the breeze picks up in the second video.

Wednesday, April 30, 2014

Nettles Anyone?

This is stinging nettle.

Some in my family make nettle tea.  Now is the time of year for a spring tonic.  Click here.

Friday, April 18, 2014

Link To Chive Girl....


This blog entry way put into Amiable Blogservations.....but has connections to Greenery.

Monday, April 7, 2014

Arachnid life in the Garden

This is a Garden Spider.  She wraps her meals in web prior to ingesting them and she might decide to eat the father of her young after making use of his presence.  She goes by Araneus Diadematus and is common in the North Eastern USA and in Europe.

Sunday, April 6, 2014