Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Playing Favorites in My Back Yard

Gleditsia--Locust tree. (has twelve varieties- unsure which attempts to invade in my back yard)    Pinus Strobus--Eastern White Pine

My back yard is my little haven.  I can be a little emotional about my back yard and what is going on in it.  I am not always fair.  I have my favorites among the growing things.   My neighbors have a locust grove in their back yard which borders on my property. Baby locust trees sprout during the growing season and cause me some consternation.  I have just decided that I best adopt a zen attitude of acceptance.  The locust trees are not evil invaders.  They are just a type of greenery that is trying to survive, reproduce and do its plant thing in the world.  I have a feeling that the baby locust trees sprout from the roots of the neighbor's trees.  I have no intention, though, of letting them run amok all over my back yard.  They will be eliminated as I see fit!

This baby locust tree is deluding itself, if it thinks it has a future next to my day lilies (in the lawn??)!

The locust grove is situated in between two young pines.  I think that the planting of the pines there was silly, as there is not enough room for them among the locusts.

Below, evidence of Locustocide.

Now who gets preferential tree-tment in my back yard?  The majestic white pine does.  Its superior form  makes for a very impressive presentation.  The Haudenosaunee have a legend of peace that centers around all nations burying their weapons under the roots of the White Pine.  My tree is like a sentinel that watches over me. I have heard screech owls hooting from the branches.

 You can see one of the offspring which found its way into a pot.  That is a woodland geranium (?) which also seeded itself.    I did try a few years back to nurture a little pine past the seedling stage, with no luck.  I replanted it next to the stone wall and it was nibbled on by a vole during the winter, and did not survive.  That was a very sad event.  I see a baby white pine and I get a really happy feeling.  I see a baby locust and the effect tends to be the opposite!  Imagine playing favorites with babies?!  Not nice at all! 

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